

Engineering analysis based on parabolic trough solar heating technology



北方一些军事建筑位置偏远,建筑围护结构保温性能较差,采用传统的供暖技术不仅能源保障困难,而且供暖效果差,无法保证军事保障现代化的需求。提出一种槽式太阳能供暖方案,并通过工程实例分析检验该技术的供暖效果。由实测数据计算得出该系统寿命周期内,可节约标准煤1 438.64 t,二氧化碳减排量3 829.67 t,系统回收年限为2.78 a,具有较好的节能性和经济性。



Due to the isolation and poor performance of building envelope insulation, traditional heating methods lead to a deficit in terms of energy security, as well as heating effect when it comes to a number of the northern military buildings, which in turn, unable to guarantee the modern needs for military security. Proposes a parabolic trough solar heating scheme which may replace the traditional heating methods. Through examples analysis, examines and proves its heating effect. Furthermore, based on the analysis of the data during the system’s life cycle, the system can save 1 438.64 tons of standard coals and reduce 3 829.67 tons of carbon dioxide emission, and the system payback period is 2.78 years, which show the better energy conservation and economic efficiency.



