

Test and analysis on anti-haze effect of domestic air purifiers under severe haze condition



为了解家用空气净化器的实际净化效果,在严重雾霾条件下,对北京市居民家中价格差异很大的2台高效过滤式家用空气净化器的净化效果进行了实测。测试结果表明:高效过滤式空气净化器的净化效果显著,开机2 h后,室内空气中悬浮颗粒物浓度下降了75%~98%,其中粒径为0.3~5.0 μm的悬浮颗粒物的浓度下降幅度最大,细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度下降了97.5%,达到35 μg/m3以下的优等水平。因此采用高效过滤式空气净化器是住宅防霾的一个有效措施。空气净化器价格并非越贵越好,国产低价优质产品同样能达到净化防霾效果。



In order to understand the actual purification effect of the domestic air purifier, measures and analyses the purification performance of two domestic air purifiers with HEPA filters and different costs under the condition of severe haze in a residence in Beijing. Test results show that the purification effect of the air purifiers with HEPA filters is very remarkable, with indoor suspended particles concentration falling by 75% to 98% after two hours operation. The purification effect is the best for the particle size of 0.3 to 5.0 μm, and the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) decreases by 97.5%, reaching the excellence level of below 35 μg/m3. Using HEPA air purifiers is an effective anti-haze measure for the residence, and the cost and purification performance are not proportional. The low cost and high quality China-made products can also achieve good purification and anti-haze effect.



