

Study on ventilation scheme of Wuhan East Lake tunnel



武汉东湖隧道长度6 522 m,为目前全国最长的城市湖底隧道。由于隧道位于国家5A级风景区,对空气质量、景观要求极高,通风系统设计为工程难点。结合隧道线路走向、洞口周边环境条件,对三段竖井送排式通风、自然通风+全射流纵向通风、自然通风+竖井分段纵向通风3种典型的通风方案进行了研究和比选。采用SES模拟软件对自然通风口和隧道内通风量进行了模拟计算,从隧道污染物排放、初投资、运行费、环保和景观等多方面进行了经济技术比选,推荐采用自然通风+竖井分段纵向通风的通风方案。



The length of Wuhan East Lake tunnel is 6 522 m, the longest city lake tunnel at present. The tunnel is located in the national 5A scenic area, which requires high on the pleasant air quality and landscape. The design of ventilation system is a difficult point of the project. Given the line direction, as well as the surrounding environmental conditions of the entrance to the tunnel, studies three types of typical ventilation schemes of three-section shaft ventilation, natural ventilation with longitudinal ventilation and natural ventilation with segment longitudinal ventilation and vertical shafts. Simulates the natural ventilation and air volume by the SES software. Recommends the scheme of natural ventilation with segment longitudinal ventilation and vertical shafts by economic and technical comparison from the perspectives of the tunnel pollutant discharge, the initial investment, the operation cost, the environmental protection and the landscape.



