

Analysis of large enthalpy difference lab using high-temperature heat pump to recover condensing heat



传统的大型焓差实验室空调系统不能有效回收制冷机组的冷凝热,大量的热量被直接排放到空气中;另外,电加热功率很大,造成实验室运行能耗较高。通过对300 kW大型焓差实验室冷热源使用情况的分析,提出利用高温热泵回收冷凝热,以减小电加热功率。结合实验测试数据对该方案的节能效果进行了分析,结果表明,大型焓差实验室空调系统冷热源采用冷水机组+高温热泵+辅助电加热系统与传统冷水机组+电加热系统相比,配电容量减少约246.8 kW,全年运行费用节省约22.36万元;额定工况下,减少冷却塔流量约41.0 m3/h,全年碳排放量减少约67.9 t。



The condensation heat of water chiller is too hard to be effectively recycled in the air conditioning system of traditional large enthalpy difference lab, and a large amount of heat is directly discharged into the air, which leads to high electric heating power and operation energy consumption. According to the analysis of the cold and heat source of a 300 kW enthalpy difference lab, proposes to use the high-temperature heat pump to recover the condensing heat and reduce the electric heating power. Combined with the test data, analyses the energy saving effect of this sensible scheme. The results show that, compared with the conventional chiller and electric heating system, the cold and heat source mode of chiller and high-temperature heat pump plus auxiliary electric heating system applied to the large enthalpy difference lab features the distribution capacity saving of about 246.8 kW, the annual operating cost is saving of about 223 600 Yuan, the cooling tower’s water flow rate reduction of about 41.0 m3/h and the annual carbon emissions reduction of about 67.9 tons.



