

Economic analysis on gas-fired building cooling heating and power systems



总结了10 a内居民、商业、工业用天然气和电的价格变化规律,以实际能源价格数据为依据进行了经济性分析。运行时间按26 000 h计算,以单位发电量的经济收益为指标,建立了燃气内燃机和小型燃气轮机2种常用原动机系统的计算模型,对住宅、商业、工业建筑应用冷热电联产(CCHP)系统的经济现状进行了定量分析。结果表明:在现有价格体系下,建筑应用冷热电联产不具有经济效益;随着燃气价格的上涨,楼宇型CCHP的经济效益变差;经济困局的症结是我国现行的能源价格机制不利于楼宇型CCHP的发展。认为楼宇型CCHP的经济困局是局部的、暂时的,转变楼宇型CCHP的自发电利用模式是解决经济困局的有效途径。



Summarizes the price variations of natural gas and electricity used to residence, commerce and industry in a decade and performs the economic analysis based on actual energy prices. Taking 26 000 hours as running time and economic benefit per unit power generation as an index, establishes the calculation models of gas internal combustion engine system and small gas turbine system, and quantitatively analyses the economic status of residential, commercial and industrial buildings with building CCHP systems respectively. The results indicate that the building CCHP system has no economic benefit under the existing price system, and that the economic benefit is getting worse with the rising of gas price, and that the current energy price mechanism is not conductive to the development of building CCHP, which is the cause of economic predicament. Considers that the economic predicament of building CCHP is partial and temporary, and the effective way to solve the problem is to change the spontaneous electrical energy utilization pattern of building CCHP systems.



