

Various levels of adaptation in four seasons of a year in cold climatic zone of China



为揭示我国寒冷气候区自然通风居住建筑中人体自适应水平随气候的季节性变化形成的规律,采取热舒适现场调查研究方法,利用适应性PMV模型(aPMV)中提出的自适应系数λ来量化计算寒冷气候区四季人体自适应水平。结果表明,4个季节人体热感觉随温度变化的规律存在明显差异,秋季和冬季人体自适应水平较低,春季和夏季较高,自适应系数λ分别为:-1.24(春)、0.45(夏)、-0.38(秋)、-0.23(冬),由此计算得出的室内热湿等级评价范围与GB/T 50785—2012《民用建筑室内热湿环境评价标准》有所差异。



To reveal the law of various levels of adaption in four seasons of a year in naturally ventilated residential buildings in cold climate zone of China, carries out the field survey of thermal comfort, and uses the adaptive coefficient λ proposed in adaptive PMV model(aPMV)to quantitatively calculate the levels of adaption in different seasons. The results show that there exist obvious differences in relationship of thermal sense and temperature in four seasons. Adaption-levels of both autumn and winter are low, and those of spring and summer are high. The adaptive coefficient λ value varies for different seasons which is -1.24 for spring, 0.45 for summer, -0.38 for autumn and -0.23 for winter, respectively. The resultant classification levels for indoor thermal and humid environment calculated with these four λ values differ from that in Evaluation standard for indoor thermal and humid environment in civil buildings.



