

Detection of corrosion and protection for directly buried heating pipeline



指出管道和补偿器腐蚀是造成供热系统事故的主要原因。分析了直埋供热管道的腐蚀特点。由于输送高温介质,同时温差电池腐蚀在供热管道上发生的概率较高,供热管道比其他市政管道的腐蚀速率高、供水管比回水管的故障率高。对哈尔滨某条已运行10 a的重要热力干线进行了腐蚀防护状况检测。检测数据表明,该供热干管沿线土壤有较强的腐蚀性,杂散电流土壤干扰较弱,所采用的聚乙烯外护管聚氨酯硬质泡沫塑料预制直埋保温管大部分防腐保护性能良好,管道上的补偿器和固定墩附近的管道存在一定程度的腐蚀。测试结果为防腐维修和防范腐蚀事故提供了依据。



Presents that the main causes of heating system malfunction are corrosions of pipeline and compensators. Analyses the characteristics of corrosion on directly buried heating pipeline. Because of transported medium with higher temperature and higher occurrence probability of thermogalvanic corrosion in the heating pipeline, the heating pipeline has a higher corrosion rate than other types of municipal pipeline, and water supply pipeline has a higher malfunction rate than water return pipeline. Taking a main heating pipe with ten years of operation located in Harbin as the case, conducts the detection of corrosion conditions. The results show that the soil along the main heating pine has stronger corrosion effect  and weaker interference stray current inside, and that most of the preformed directly buried insulating pipes with polyurethane foamed-plastics and high density polyethylene casing pipes have good anti-corrosion performance although certain degree of corrosion can be observed near the compensators and anchor blocks. The detected results provide evidence for maintenance and further corrosion prevention measures.



