

Study of IPLV (Part 2): Application discussion



指出现行国家标准GB 50189—2005对IPLV计算和测试公式中A,B,C,D的定义是100%,75%,50%,25%负荷率时的性能系数,而不是将整个负荷以100%,75%,50%,25%为中心划分为4个区域所对应的负荷区间的性能系数。采用该式计算具体项目全年运行工况下的冷负荷和全年运行能耗的研究思路忽视了标准所设定的4个特定负荷点性能系数的特定条件,在理论上是不严谨的。现行国家标准对冷水机组性能的评价同时采用名义工况性能系数COP和综合部分负荷性能系数IPLV两个指标,二者缺一不可。



Points out that the definitions of  A, B, C, D in the calculation and examination formula for IPLV in the current standard GB 50189—2005 are the coefficients of performance (COP) for the four points of 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of the load, but not the corresponding sectors of the whole load range divided by taking 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% of load as the indices. The specific conditions for the load points of the four sectors required by the standard will be ignored when using the formula to calculate the cooling load and the annual energy consumption under the annual operating mode, leading to deficiency of strictness in theory. The standard adopts two indices, COP for the nominal operating mode and IPLV, at one time when evaluating the performance of a water chiller, of which either is indispensable.



