

Energy system in low-carbon city






Describes the meaning of low-carbon city in detail and explores the low-carbon city’s urban form, and then taking Shanghai as an example, calculates the proportion of carbon emissions of each sector, and points out the main measures of realization of low-carbon city. Focuses on energy systems in low-carbon city and community, considering what the low-carbon energy system in low-carbon city has to rely on: at the national level, the energy structure has to be changed by increasing the ratio of hydropower, nuclear power and renewable energy power and adjusting the industrial structure; at the city or community level, makes full use of local renewable energy and untapped energy resources in the new district development, and implements the more stringent energy efficiency standards compared with the national standards, takes the energy conservation as a resource to achieve the distribution of energy systems; at the user’s level, reduces the demand and energy consumption by using energy-saving technologies and advocating responsible energy consuming behaviours. The energy-bus and energy internet system is recommended as the main form of energy systems in low-carbon city for their suitable characteristics of energy using.



