

Key technologies and demonstration for photovoltaic buildings

边萌萌[1][2] 李博佳[1][2] 张昕宇[1] 黄祝连[3 ] 王聪辉[1][2] 王敏[3] 何涛[1] 徐伟[2] 王博渊[2]
[1]建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室 [2]中国建筑科学研究院有限公司[3]建科环能科技有限公司


针对建筑光伏组件发热影响围护结构传热节能性能、光伏系统发电性能受多因素影响等问题,进行了建筑外墙光伏组件发电传热耦合机理研究、太阳入射角等因素对光伏发电性能影响分析及太阳能与建筑用能协同分析,提出了综合节能性能最优的外墙光伏组件安装方式,开发了建筑太阳能供能系统优化设计软件,并在中国建筑科学研究院光电示范建筑中应用,实践建筑光伏深度融合的零碳建筑路径。示范建筑光伏系统总装机功率为236.1 kW,监测数据表明,年发电量可达212 382 kW·h,单位建筑面积发电量为73.79 kW·h/m2,满足建筑全部用能需求的同时可向院区内其他建筑供电,实现了净零碳排放。



Focused on the influence of heat from photovoltaic modules on building envelope’s heat transfer and energy saving performance, and the power generation of photovoltaic system affected by many factors, the coupling mechanism of power generation and heat transfer of photovoltaic modules on building exterior wall, the influence of solar incident angle and other factors on photovoltaic power generation performance, and the synergy of solar energy generation and building energy consumption are studied in this paper. The installation method of photovoltaic modules on exterior wall with optimal comprehensive energy saving performance is presented. An optimization design software for building solar system is developed and applied to the Zero Emission Building (ZEB) of China Academy of Building Research, which demonstrates the way to realize zero carbon building by integration of photovoltaics. The total installed power of the photovoltaic system in the ZEB is 236.1 kW. Monitoring data shows that the annual power generation of the ZEB could reach 212 382 kWh, and the power generation per building area is 73.79 kWh/m2. It can not only meet the total energy demand of the building, but also supply extra power to surrounding buildings, and achieve net zero carbon emission.



