

Optimization of building photovoltaic spatial layout based on zero carbon target

王博渊[1] 徐伟[1] 薛伟强[2] 刘磊[3] 张昕宇[4] 张俊[3] 何涛[4] 刘洋[1] 张博宇[1] 张楚峰[5] 李博佳[1] [4]
[1]中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 [2]青岛青发自贸生态建设开发有限公司 [3]中德生态园被动房建筑科技有限公司 [4]建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室 [5]中核建研城市更新有限公司





Zero carbon buildings focus on the photovoltaic space layout caused by high plot ratio, compact space and sheltered area. This paper carries out the grid solar irradiation calculation for each surface of the building, and puts forward the suitable installation area for the building photovoltaic system. Based on the three-dimensional visualization model, the power generation of the photovoltaic system is refined and modified according to the solar irradiation on each surface.Based on the layout optimization, the power generation potential of each surface as well as the power generation time per unit installed power will be extended significantly, so as to improve final economic benefits.

Keywords:zero carbon building; photovoltaic system; spatial layout; sunlight analysis; solar irradiation; power generation


