

Study on hourly solar radiation design parameters in summer and winter design days

周勇[1] 刘艳峰[1] 王敏[2]王登甲[1] 刘晓君[1]
[1]西安建筑科技大学 [2]建科环能科技有限公司


冬夏设计日太阳辐射计算参数是暖通空调建筑冷热负荷计算的基础参数,对设备系统安全稳定运行至关重要。针对传统基于晴天辐射模型的夏季设计日太阳辐射计算参数过于极端而冬季设计日太阳辐射计算参数缺失的问题,借鉴暖通空调室外计算温度统计方法,提出了基于长期太阳辐射数据的太阳辐射计算参数统计方法。以严寒、寒冷、夏热冬冷、夏热冬暖和温和地区5个典型城市为例,对比分析了本文提出的太阳辐射计算参数与基于晴天辐射模型的太阳辐射计算参数。以该参数为基础,结合室外计算温度,研究了不同计算参数下冬夏设计日不保证时间变化情况。结果表明,利用本文提出的太阳辐射计算参数作为建筑冷热负荷依据,其平均不保证时间更接近于暖通空调相关规范中夏季50 h、冬季5 d的要求。



 Solar radiation design parameters for summer and winter design days are the basic parameters of building cooling and heating load calculation for HVAC, which are vital for the safe and stable operation of equipment system. In view of the problem that the traditional solar radiation design parameters based on clear-sky model in summer design day are too extreme and the solar radiation design parameters for winter design day are missing, this paper proposes a statistical method of solar radiation design parameters based on long-term solar radiation data by referring to the statistical method of outdoor design temperature of HVAC. Taking the five cities from severe cold, cold, hot summer and cold winter, hot summer and warm winter and mild zones as examples, the solar radiation design parameters proposed in this paper are compared with those based on the clear-sky model. Using these parameters, combined with the outdoor design temperature, the variation of unguaranteed time in winter and summer under different design parameters is studied. The results show that using the solar radiation design parameters proposed in this paper as the basis of building cooling and heating load, the average unguaranteed time is closer to the requirements of 50 hours in summer and 5 days in winter in relevant HVAC codes.

Keywords:HVAC; outdoor design parameter; solar radiation; design day; cooling and heating load


