Design and operation of two-stage air conditioning systems with lake water-source heat pumps
该项目空调冷源采用天然冷源与人工冷源相结合的方式,利用千岛湖水资源,与酒店四管制空调系统相结合。夏季和部分过渡季采用双冷源二级供冷方案,千岛湖水作为免费冷源,用于一级辅助供冷,可承担部分室内负荷与大部分新风负荷,制冷主机作为二级供冷冷源。冬季和部分过渡季利用千岛湖水为内区直接供冷。同时,为保护千岛湖自然景观资源,采用顶管技术取水,在千岛湖20 m深度以下设置取水口,且一次湖水侧回水作为项目景观用水,节约用能。
The air conditioning cold source of this project adopts the combination of natural cold source and artificial cold source, making use of the water resource of Qiandao Lake and combining with the four pipe air conditioning system of the hotel. The secondary cooling scheme with double cold sources is adopted in summer and part of the transition season. The water of Qiandao Lake is used as the free cold source for primary auxiliary cooling, which can bear part of the indoor load and most of the outdoor air load. The refrigeration host is used as the secondary cooling source. In winter and part of the transition season, the water of Qiandao Lake is used for direct cooling for the inner area. At the same time, in order to protect the natural landscape resources of Qiandao Lake, the pipe jacking technology is adopted to take water, the water intake is set below 20 m of Qiandao Lake, and the return water at the primary side of the lake is used as the landscape water of the project to save energy.