Nearly-zero energy buildings in Denmark—New requirements and challenges for residential energy efficiency in Building Class 2020
丹麦运输建筑和住宅部颁发的建筑管理行政命令2018(BR18)于2017年底生效。在这个行政命令中最新的建筑能耗等级——2020级建筑(最初公布于BR10的修订版)得到了确认。2020级建筑最初是为了满足欧盟关于近零能耗建筑的能耗性能而制订的,其能耗等级要求将建筑暖通空调和生活热水的总能耗进一步降低至20 kW·h/(m2·a)。本文简要介绍了2020级建筑在建筑学、围护结构、门窗、建筑气密性、暖通空调和日照等方面对住宅的节能要求。同时,对于满足2020级建筑所面临的挑战进行了一些讨论。
The executive order on building regulations 2018 (BR18) issued by the Danish Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing came into force at the end of 2017. In this order, the new energy class of buildings—Building Class 2020 (first released in the amendments of BR10) was finalized. The Building Class 2020 was prepared to meet the requirements of the EU Directive on the energy performance of nearly-zero energy buildings. The new Danish energy class of buildings requires to decrease the energy consumption of HVAC plus domestic hot water down to 20 kWh/(m2·a). This paper briefly presents the requirements of the Building Class 2020 for residential buildings on architecture, building envelope, windows and doors, air tightness, HVAC and daylight, etc. Some challenging issues to meet the requirements of the Building Class 2020 are discussed.