

Investigation on airtightness of residences in the Yangtze River Basin and its regulations during the heating and cooling period

熊 杰 刘 渊 李百战 姚润明


建筑气密性是衡量建筑热工性能的重要指标之一,同时对室内人员的健康和热舒适性具有一定的影响。随着长江流域冬季供暖需求的提升,该地区建筑气密性得到了越来越多的关注。本文对该地区的5栋代表性建筑进行了气密性测试,建筑年代较老的建筑由于施工水平导致气密性较差,所选用的外窗开启方式会影响气密性水平,房间的孔洞也是影响整体气密性的重要因素。从建筑节能和人员健康与舒适的角度确认了长江流域适宜的渗透换气次数为0.5~0.7 h-1,该地区新建建筑在正常施工水平和合理运维的情况下基本能够满足此气密性要求。



The airtightness of buildings is an important index to measure the thermal performance of buildings, and it also has impacts on occupants’ health and thermal comfort. With the increase of heating demand in the Yangtze River Basin, the airtightness of buildings in this area has received more attention. This article presents a study of onsite measurements of airtightness on five representative buildings in the area. The older buildings have poor airtightness due to the unskilled construction and installation, the window and door leakages, and the hole for air-conditioner pipes. From the perspectives of building energy conservation, and occupants’ health and comfort, it is confirmed that the appropriate range of infiltration air change rates in the Yangtze River Basin is 0.5 to 0.7 per hour. New buildings in this area can basically meet this air tightness requirement under improved construction and better operation and maintenance.



