

Application of cooling water to reheating link of constant temperature and humidity air conditioning systems

葛海亮[1] 王 庚[2][3] 王晏平[2][3] 马进伟[2] 胡 宁[2][3] 余红海[4] 刘远航[2]
[1]深圳市建筑设计研究总院有限公司合肥分院 [2]安徽建筑大学 [3]安徽建筑大学建筑室内热湿环境实验室 [4]安徽省建筑设计研究总院股份有限公司


当室温控制精度小于1.0 ℃时,工艺性空调系统多采用电加热器再热。为减少恒温恒湿空调所消耗的大量再热电能,提出利用冷却水一级再热提供基础再热量,电能二级再热控制送风温湿度精度。以上海某博物馆恒温恒湿展区为例进行计算分析,结果表明,该系统相比常规一次回风再热式系统节能62%,电加热器功率减小84%,节能效果显著。



When the room temperature control accuracy is less than 1.0 ℃, the process air conditioning system mostly adopts electric heater for reheating. In order to save a large amount of reheat energy consumed by constant temperature and humidity air conditioning, it is proposed to use the primary reheat of cooling water to provide basic reheat, and the secondary reheat of electricity to control the temperature and humidity accuracy of air supply. Taking the constant temperature and humidity exhibition area of a museum in Shanghai as an example, the results show that compared with the conventional primary return air reheat system, the energy saving of the system is 62%, the power of the electric heater is reduced by 84%, and the energy saving effect is remarkable.



