

On-site performance test analysis of free cooling system with lake water in data centers

张 宁[1] 张 泉[2] 黄振霖[3] 王加强[3] 雷建军[4]
[1]湖南大学设计研究院有限公司 [2]湖南大学 [3]中南大学 [4]湖南云巢信息科技有限公司





 In order to alleviate the problems of high energy consumption and low energy efficiency in data centers, the free cooling technology has received widespread attention. This paper takes the free cooling system with lake water free cooling in Dongjiang Lake data center as a testing object, and aims to provide the actual data for the design of the free cooling system in data center. The actual operating performance of this system is tested and discussed in terms of energy consumption. The testing results show that the global coefficient of performance of the cooling system is 11. Compared with the national requirements for data centers of China (e.g., new large data center PUE≤1.3), the energy consumption can be decreased by 16% further. Additionally, the energy consumption of terminal computer room air handler accounts for more than 50% of the total energy consumption of the free cooling system, which is the key to further reducing energy consumption by free cooling.



