

A constant temperature and humidity air conditioning system with direct expansion temperature and humidity independent control air handling units

王子涵[1] 齐 特[2]
[1]中石化工程建设有限公司 [2]Atelierten USA Llc


为了消除传统恒温恒湿空调系统中冷热抵消现象,提出了一种新型直接膨胀式温湿度独立控制恒温恒湿空调系统(下称新型空调系统)。该空调系统通过组合三级直接膨胀式制冷单元、加热器、加湿器,并配备特有的控制策略,可以在满足恒温恒湿环境一定温湿度控制精度的前提下,实现温湿度解耦控制。该空调系统不会造成投资成本大幅增加,并具备结构简单、布置灵活的特点。结合天津某实际项目,通过IES-VE 2018对传统恒温恒湿空调系统、新型空调系统的定风量运行模式和变风量运行模式分别进行了能耗模拟。结果显示,新型空调系统在2种模式下均能满足空调区恒温恒湿要求,在定风量模式下较传统恒温恒湿空调系统可以实现15%的节能率;变风量模式的节能率则高达35%,但变风量模式的空调区温湿度波动相对较大,因此更适用于对温湿度控制精度要求不严格的空调区。



 To avoid the reheat energy penalty of a conventional constant temperature and humidity air conditioning system, a novel constant temperature and humidity control air conditioning system is developed. This system is comprised of three stage direct expansion air cooled sections, a heater, a humidifier, along with an advanced control strategy, to achieve decoupling the temperature control with the humidity control. This air conditioning system also has the advantage of simple configuration and flexible arrangement without the expense of too much cost. A simulation of an actual project in Tianjin is conducted to evaluate the energy performance of the system using IES-VE 2018. Three systems are simulated, a conventional constant temperature and humidity system as a baseline for comparison purpose, a constant air volume and a variable air volume configuration for the novel system. Simulation results show that the temperature and humidity of zone are well controlled in required range and the novel air conditioning system can achieve 15% energy saving under constant air volume working condition, 35% energy saving under variable air volume working condition compared with the conventional system. But the thermal zone is more volatile when the novel air conditioning system under variable air volume working condition(VAV system).So the VAV system is more suitable for the thermal zone where the accuracy of temperature and humidity control is not strict.



