

Numerical investigation on liquid film flow and evaporative cooling performance of structured packing surface

左双全 胡雪音 朱 豪 毕 然
珠海格力电器股份有限公司 空调设备及系统运行节能国家重点实验室


为了提升规整填料蒸发降温性能,并降低气相阻力,基于CFD方法,探究了淋水密度、波纹板片间距及摇摆倾角等因素对填料布液特性的影响。结果表明:交错型规整填料的最佳淋水密度为7.8 m3/(m2·h),在该工况下可保证填料具备较高的布液面积和较低的压降;将波纹板片间距增大至0.4 mm左右,可有效降低甚至消除由原接触点处积液所引起的压降,并保证填料的布液面积损失达到最小;填料在沿重力方向轴摆动时,会发生液相从填料表面倾泻现象,其极限摇摆倾角约为15~20°。



In order to improve the evaporative cooling performance of the structured packing and reduce the gas resistance, studies the influence of the spray density, the spacing between the corrugated plates and the swing angle on the liquid film flow of the structured packing by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The numerical results show that the optimal spray density of the structured packing is 7.8 m3/(m2·h), and under this working condition, the packing has a higher liquid distribution area and a lower pressure drop. Increasing the space between two adjacent corrugated plates to about 0.4 mm can effectively reduce or even eliminate the pressure drop caused by the liquid accumulation at the intersection point, and minimize the loss of the liquid distribution area. When the structured packing swings along the gravity direction, the liquid may pour, and the critical swing angle is 15 to 20 degree.



