

Discussion on air quality and thermal and humidity environment control design of residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter zone

付祥钊[1] 丁艳蕊[2]
[1]重庆大学 [1]重庆海润节能研究院 [2]重庆海润节能研究院





Expounds the general idea of air quality and thermal and humidity environment control design of residential buildings with “ventilation priority, thermal and humidity matching”. Based on the analysis of urban climate resources in hot summer and cold winter zone, and the clarification of the HVAC seasonal division in the city where the building is located, the personnel structure of residents and the residential use mode, points out that in order to create a healthy and comfortable indoor environment, the indoor relative humidity should be considered as the design index of thermal and humidity environment control. According to the use mode of each functional room, the indoor thermal environment parameters of the room in use period and non-use period should be set respectively for the load calculation and analysis of each room and the selection of cold and heat source equipment to achieve the purpose of energy saving. In response to the air quality and thermal and humidity environment control needs of residential buildings, gives the specific technical points and measures for ventilation, heating and air conditioning design.



