

Air distribution of a large painting hangar based on field test and numerical calculation

代 丹[1] 刘晓雨[1] 张景林[1] 肖 武[1] 王 欢[2]
[1]中国航空规划设计研究总院有限公司 [2]清华大学





Combining with the actual project, studies the air distribution of the ventilation system of the large passenger plane painting hangar by field test and numerical calculation. Analyses the test data of the airflow velocity near the surface of aircraft fuselage, wing and tail and the velocity at the centerline of aircraft fuselage. Through the analysis of airflow uniformity and turbulence, finds that the adjustment of system air volume balance and the installation of regulating valve at air supply outlet are the key factors affecting system air volume balance. Tests the wind speed attenuation of two completely symmetrical air supply outlets on both sides of the fuselage. The results show that the velocity attenuation of the air supply outlet is linear. Studies the influence of the operating platform on the air distribution of the air conditioning and ventilation system of the painting hangar by numerical calculation. Suggests that the perforated support plate should be used to reduce the blocking effect of the operating platform on the airflow. Gives the corresponding suggestions in the design, commissioning and operation and maintenance stages of the system.



