Effect of grape-drying rooms on thermal environment of adobe buildings in Xinjiang in summer
分析了新疆吐鲁番地区葡萄晾晒空间——晾房对当地生土建筑热环境的作用。利用现场实测与软件模拟相结合的方法,研究了葡萄晾房的热环境特点及其对下部空间热环境的影响。在保证晾房内部晾晒条件适宜的情况下,提出了改善晾房热环境的策略。结果表明:晾房内部具有温度高、辐射强和通风换气次数大的特点;夏季晾房可使下部空间日均空气温度降低1.36 ℃;晾房屋顶增设0.8 m长的挑檐可使晾房日平均温度降低0.3 ℃、下部空间日平均温度降低0.2 ℃左右;增大晾房开洞率可降低其温度,开洞率为0.272最合理;根据土坯砖规格及晾房开洞率,洞口尺寸宽10 cm、高15 cm最适宜。
Analyses the effect of grape-drying rooms on the thermal environment of native adobe buildings in Turpan, Xinjiang. Investigates the characteristics of the thermal environment of the grape-drying room and its influence on the thermal environment of the lower space by the method of field measurement and software simulation. Under the condition of ensuring the suitable drying conditions, puts forward the strategies to improve the thermal environment of the drying room. The results show that the drying room has the characteristics of high temperature, strong radiation and large air exchange rate. The drying room can reduce the daily average air temperature of the lower space by 1.36 ℃. The addition of 0.8 m long overhanging eaves on the roof of the drying room can reduce the daily average temperature of the drying room by 0.3 ℃ and that of the lower space by about 0.2 ℃. Increasing the hole-opening rate of the drying room can reduce the temperature, and the hole-opening rate of 0.272 is the most reasonable. According to the specifications of adobe bricks and the hole-opening rate of the drying room, the hole size of 10 cm width and 15 cm height is the most suitable.