Annual mold growth risk assessment of typical dwelling internal surfaces in high humidity areas
霉菌生长不仅破坏建筑结构和表面,而且会影响人体健康,地区气候和建筑特性的不同都会严重影响住宅室内霉菌生长情况。为了掌握重庆市典型住宅全年室内霉菌生长现状和影响因素,采用大样本横断面问卷调研结合WUFI Plus和WUFI-Bio软件模拟的方法,研究了重庆市住宅室内潮湿/霉菌现状及各个因素对霉菌生长的影响。问卷和模拟结果均显示,由于建筑节能设计标准的提高,重庆市2001年之前、2001—2010年和2010年以后建造的住宅室内潮湿情况存在显著差异,2001年之前的住宅发霉程度明显大于2001年之后的住宅。进而以2001—2010年的住宅为例,模拟分析了4种典型墙面材料(水泥砂浆、粉刷墙、乳胶漆和壁纸)和不同换气次数下的霉菌生长风险。结果显示:各种墙面材料的水蒸气扩散阻力系数与霉菌生长程度存在显著相关性,水蒸气扩散阻力系数越小,霉菌生长风险越小;换气次数为2 h-1时,霉菌生长程度最小。
The mold growth, depending on regional climates and building features, will do harm to not only building structure and surfaces but also human health. To discover the annual mold growth situation and its influence factors in Chongqing typical dwellings, reports the present status of indoor dampness/mold in Chongqing and analyses the elements related to mold growth by means of the large-sample cross-sectional questionnaire survey combining with the WUFI Plus and WUFI-Bio simulation method. The questionnaires and simulation results show that due to the improvement of building energy conservation design standards, there are significant differences among indoor moisture conditions of buildings built before 2001, from 2001 to 2010 and after 2010 in Chongqing, and the mildew degree of buildings before 2001 is significantly higher than that of buildings after 2001. Taking the buildings from 2001 to 2010 as examples, simulates the mold growth risk under four kinds of typical internal surfaces (cement mortar, wall paint, emulsion paint and wallpaper) and different air change rates. The results show that the water vapor diffusion resistance coefficient of different surfaces is remarkably correlative with mildew degree. The smaller the former, the lower the latter. The smallest mildew degree happens under 2 times of air change rate.