

Energy saving technology of tunnel air based on foundation pit trenches

王胜男[1] 巩云[2] 刘强[2] 高夕良[2] 袁艳平[3]
[1]中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司 [1]西南交通大学 [2]中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司 [3]西南交通大学


探究了不同基坑支护形式下的肥槽断面差异,发现基坑肥槽内有大量“免费”空间可用来埋管或敷设土建风道,且随着基坑深度的增加,肥槽体积呈倍数增长,非常适合地道风技术的应用。以南宁地区某车库地道风项目为例,利用MATLAB软件采用二维稳态传热模型简化计算了地道风热传递过程。模拟结果表明,覆土3 m以下空间全年土壤温度波动很小,且随着埋深的增加,土壤热惰性效应越发明显,埋深6 m处全年最高温度出现在12月,实现了很好的跨季节蓄热。同时,随着地道长度的增加,单位长度地道的降温能力明显下降,从经济合理性考虑,建议系统管路不宜超过300 m。与多联机系统进行对比,地道风系统年均可节电约13万kW·h,静态回收期约6.7 a,全寿命周期内节能效益显著。



Investigates the difference of the foundation trench section under different supporting forms of the foundation pit, finds that there is a large amount of “free” space in the foundation pit trench for burying pipes or laying civil air channels, and the volume of foundation trench increases several times with the increase of foundation pit depth, which is very suitable for the application of tunnel air technology. Taking a garage tunnel air project in Nanning area as an example, adopts the two-dimensional steady-state heat transfer model established by MATLAB software to simplify the calculation of tunnel wind heat transfer process. The simulation results show that the annual soil temperature fluctuation of the space below 3 m is very small, and with the increase of buried depth, the thermal inertia effect of the soil becomes more and more obvious. The annual highest temperature at the buried depth of 6 m occurs in December, which achieves a good inter-seasonal heat storage. At the same time, with the increase of tunnel length, the cooling capacity of unit tunnel length decreases significantly. From the consideration of economic rationality, suggests that the system pipeline should not exceed 300 m. Finally, by comparing the tunnel air system with the multisplit system, the tunnel air system can save nearly 130 000 kWh of electricity every year, and the static recovery period is about 6.7 years. The energy saving benefit is remarkable in the whole life cycle.



