

Development of breathing thermal manikin and application prospect

刘雅琳[1] 范彦超[1] 刘硕[1] 王怡[1] Peter V. Nielsen[2] 刘荔[3]
[1]西安建筑科技大学 [2]奥尔堡大学 [3]清华大学


为研究人体微环境特征,再现人体吸入暴露过程并获得飞沫或飞沫核在呼吸道内的实际暴露水平,设计了一种新型呼吸暖体假人,首次实现呼吸暖体假人与呼吸道模型的结合。假人外形与平均人体相似,通过调节假人加热系统功率,模拟人体不同活动水平下的代谢散热;体内嵌有包含口咽模型和Weibel 0~4级模型组成的“理想呼吸道”,还原吸入气流在呼吸系统内的流动特性,有效测量飞沫核在人体呼吸道的实际暴露剂量;设计研发了呼吸模拟装置,可输出接近真实人体呼吸特性的正弦曲线,通过调节参数来模拟人体不同活动状态下的呼吸特征。对假人表面温度和传热系数进行了实验测量。初步研究结果表明,假人可模拟多种活动状态下的人体代谢水平及呼吸特征,复现人体热羽流和呼吸气流共同作用下的人体微环境,可代替真人进行相关科学研究。



In order to study the airflow characteristics of human breathing microenvironment, reproduce the process of human inhalation exposure and obtain the actual exposure level of exhaled droplet or droplet nuclei in the respiratory tract, designs a new type of breathing thermal manikin. It is the first time to realize the combination of the breathing thermal manikin and the respiratory tract model. The shape of the manikin is similar to the average human body. By adjusting the output power of the heating system of the manikin, it can simulate the metabolic heat dissipation of the human body at different levels of activity. The “ideal respiratory tract” composed of the oropharyngeal model and Weibel level 0-4 respiratory tract model is embedded to restore the movement state of the inhaled airflow in the respiratory system and effectively measure the actual exposure dose of droplet nuclei in the respiratory tract. The breathing simulator is independently developed, which can output sinusoidal curve close to real human respiratory characteristics, and simulate the respiratory characteristics of human body in different activities by adjusting respiratory parameters. Measures the surface temperature and heat transfer coefficient of the manikin. The preliminary results show that the breathing thermal manikin can simulate the metabolism level and respiratory characteristics of human body in various active states, reproduce the human microenvironment under the combined action of human thermal plume and respiratory airflow, and can replace human to conduct scientific studies.

Keywords:simulation, metabolism, thermal manikin, microenvironment, respiratory tract


