

Influence of outdoor air rate on indoor air microbial contamination control

于丹[1] 许博文[1] 蔡志斌[2] 吴 璇[3]
[1]北京建筑大学 [2]北京城建房地产开发有限公司 [3]北京建筑大学


对设置新风系统的实际工程进行测试,考察了新风系统对室内空气微生物的控制效果,并模拟了新风量对室内空气微生物污染的影响。测试结果显示,开启新风系统1.5~2.0 h后,教室室内空气中细菌浓度平均降低82.10%,真菌浓度平均降低86.64%。模拟结果显示,随着房间新风量的增大,房间内污染源、排风口及墙壁处气溶胶污染状况均得到明显改善,人们工作区域的气溶胶颗粒平均浓度由396 cfu/m3降低到109 cfu/m3,均为清洁水平,可见新风系统对室内气溶胶颗粒的处理效果较好。



Tests the actual project of setting up outdoor air systems, investigates the control effect of outdoor air system on indoor air microorganism, and simulates the influence of outdoor air rate on indoor air microbial contamination. The test results show that, after the outdoor air system runs for 1.5 h to 2.0 h, the average concentration of bacteria and fungi in the indoor air decreases by 82.10% and 86.64%, respectively. The simulation results show that, with the increase of outdoor air rate, the aerosol pollution in the pollution source, the exhaust outlet and the wall of the room obviously decreases, and the average concentration of aerosol particles in people’s working areas decreases from 396 cfu/m3 to 109 cfu/m3, all at clean levels. Indicates that the outdoor air system has a better treatment effect on indoor aerosol particles.



