

Design of HVAC for medical technology buildings,operating rooms and ICU centers of COVID-19 temporary emergency hospitals

张再鹏 陈焰华 雷建平





Taking Huoshenshan hospital as an example, presents the HVAC design points of medical technology buildings, operating rooms and ICU centers in the temporary emergency hospitals. Points out that the appropriate ventilation system should be divided into multiple smaller systems according to the pollution situation and functional partition, and makes full use of the infiltration volume to reduce the risk of infection between doctors and patients. Simplifies the top exhaust system and bottom exhaust system for the negative pressure operating room to a set of system and equips backup exhaust fans. The filter setting standard of the clean air conditioning system is as follows: the clean air conditioning unit is equipped with the coarse and medium efficiency filters, the air supply end is equipped with the high efficiency filter, the indoor air outlet is equipped with the high efficiency filter, and the outdoor air outlet is equipped with the check valve.



