

Study and analysis based on flow characteristic tests of control valves



为夯实空调冷水系统末端设备控制技术研究的理论基础,依据GB/T 50155—2015和GB/T 30832—2014的规定分别对等百分比流量特性电动两通调节阀样机进行了理想流量特性和工作流量特性试验。根据被测样机相对流量与相对行程的相关试验数据,得到了其理想流量特性和工作流量特性曲线。试验结果表明:被测样机理想流量特性曲线呈现近似S形特征,与等百分比特征相距甚远;无论是理想流量特性还是工作流量特性,调节阀正/反向行程均为2条不完全重叠的特性曲线。对采用调节阀补偿表冷器非线性传热特性的理论基础提出了质疑。



In order to consolidate the theoretical foundation of the control technology research of terminal equipment of air conditioning chilled water systems, according to the provisions of GB/T 50155-2015 and GB/T 30832-2014, performs the ideal flow characteristic and working flow characteristic experiments for an electric two-way control valve prototype with equal percentage flow characteristic. Based on the measured relative flow rate and relative trip data of the prototype, obtains the ideal flow characteristic and working flow characteristic curves. The experimental results show that the ideal flow characteristic curve of the prototype presents an approximate S-shaped characteristic, which is far away from the equal percentage flow characteristic. Both the ideal flow characteristic and the working flow characteristic have two characteristic curves that do not completely overlap for the positive and negative stroke of the control valve. Questions the theoretical basis of using the control valve to compensate the nonlinear heat transfer characteristic of the surface heat exchanger.



