Analysis of operation schedule of room air conditioners in Chongqing based on data monitoring platform

Liu Meng, Yan Lu, Li Jinbo, Xu Zhenkun and Du Shunkai


Relying on the room air conditioner monitoring data under the big data platform, aiming at the operation schedule pattern of room air conditioners in Chongqing, from the aspects of different room functions, different seasons, working days and holidays, analyses the characteristics of room air conditioner operation schedule which includes operation durations, operation times, usage period, opening and closing time of air conditioners based on 27 950 times of operating data in summer and 3 828 times of operating data in winter from 575 room air conditioners. Obtains the operation schedule of room air conditioners with different functions (bedrooms and living rooms) in Chongqing in summer and winter, workdays and holidays.