Survey and analysis on influence of environment parameters and residents behaviours on air conditioning energy consumption in a residential building
Li Zhaojian,Jiang Yi, Wei Qingpeng
Analyses the relationships between outdoor environment parameters, residents behaviours and air conditioning energy consumption through a survey and test on air conditioning energy consumption in a residential building in Beijing in summer. Studies the effects of energy saving behaviours of residents. Obtains the relationship between outdoor environment parameters and power consumption of the whole building. The results show that indoor air conditioning temperature significantly influences the air conditioning energy consumption. The energy consumption for cooling reduces by 23 percent if indoor temperature is raised from 25 ℃ to 26 ℃. Meanwhile, the energy consumption for cooling will increases by 1.4 times when the interior door to neighboured nonconditioned rooms kept open during air conditioner operating. The energy saving behaviour of residents is an effective approach to reduce energy use for cooling in residential buildings.