Design and operation status of ventilation and air conditioning terminal systems in airport terminals

Chao Jiangyue, Hu Jianli and Pan Yungang


 According to the load statistics of 21 terminal buildings in China, the air conditioning load of terminals largely depends on the subjective factors such as the scale positioning, the standards adopted in the design and the rationality of the air conditioning system, while the objective factors such as climate and energy characteristics have no obvious influence. Through the field investigation and test of eight terminals, finds that the terminal form selection in winter has a significant relationship with the climate, and the form of cooling air conditioning terminal systems tends to be the same, but its layout has a great impact on the air distribution in large space. There is a big difference between the actual operation condition and the design condition of the air conditioning terminal system. The main reasons are that the passenger throughput of the terminal is larger than the design value, the terminal system does not match the energy system, the design parameters are not reasonable, the actual operation strategy is changed and the automatic control accuracy is limited.